Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday - Splash Day & Gross Blood

It was quiet pleasant outside this morning! We enjoyed having Friday Splash Day. 

 For our Up Close and Gross lesson today, we discussed BLOOD!! We discovered that blood provides oxygen for organs, helps get rid of wastes, and aids in keeping our body temperature regular. After our lesson, we made our own blood. We mixed 1/3 cup of water, 1 tsp of chocolate, 3 tsp of corn syrup, and 5 drops of red food coloring. We plan on drink the "blood" for snack today! Hee Hee

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Germs - Up Close and Gross

WED-- I didn't take pictures on Wednesday of our Germ lesson and I am definitely beating myself up for that!! So I will have to tell you what we did. We discussed that germs can be found everywhere and how important it was to not spread germs and clean. Our activity consisted of rubbing white bread of surface areas that we believed were the most infected. We sealed our bread into a baggie and waiting to see what grows on everyone's bread. I have them taped in the window of the FRONT door if you parents would like to check it out!

THURS -- Germs Part 2. We continued our lessons on germs Thursday. We discussed how germs are spread through contact and through the air. For our activity we placed chalk on our hands, gave hand shakes, hugs, and high fives, and then looked for the places that the chalk landed. Where ever chalk lands, is where you could've put germs on someone or something!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday Day 2 Up Close and Gross

My computer had to go for a little face lift, but now she's back and I can post some new pics for all you parents!! For our "Up Close and Gross" lesson on Tuesday, we discussed spit. We discussed the importance of spit, because spit helps you keep your teeth clean, helps you swallow and helps you taste your food. We did a little experiment. We had to clean our tongues of spit (or our new fancy word "saliva") and tasted a snack. Then we were able to drink some water to get our mouths back moist and tasted the same snack. We found out that it was waaaaay easier to swallow and taste our food when our mouths were not so dry.

We decided to head to the Duck Pond to feed the lil duckies.

 Ms. Olivia came Tuesday for our Chinese lessons. We discussed DRAGONS. Pronounced "Long" in Chinese. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Up Close & Gross - Snot

This week we began our Up Close and Gross Camp. Today we discussed SNOT!!! We discussed the importance of snot. We found out that snot can be helpful to our lungs so that we dont breath in all the the dust particles. We discussed the different colors snot can come in and what the colors may mean. Finally, we made our own snot. We mixed glue, water, and borax. 

Personally, I think our snot looked a lil like egg whites, egg yolks (hee hee) ....and... well,  I guess the green actually looks like snot. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Parent Info


Tomorrow, Friday, June 13, 2014 7:30-9:00 will be "Donuts for Dads". Please have their Daddy join us for a doughnut. 

 I will be out June 13, but they will have an awesome sub.

Next week begins our new "camp". We will begin Ms. Brittany's Up Close and Gross lessons and study snot, saliva, blood, bugs, worms, and etc. 


We have been discussing inventions for the past 2 weeks. Yesterday we were able to visit Hunt Hall and view their robots! It was super cool. We saw a robot that could judge edges and turn so it would not fall off, a robot that took caps from one end of the table to the other end, and a toy car that ran off salt water!

Demonstration of taking the caps all the way down the table
Little Hard to see, but this is the car racing through the room!